

1、This tonic is carefully crafted to enhance your longevity, adaptability, and thrivability!

2、Throughout Asia, Gynostemma teas are consumed as a daily tea by health conscious folks.

3、Gynostemma is known as "Magical Grass" in China. It iscommonly used known as "Magical Grass" in China.

4、With five premier tonic herbs infused with premium grade Gynostemmaleaves, this tea yields one of the most broad spectrum health promoting tonicbrews in the world.


2.在整个亚洲,gynostemma tea 绞股蓝茶 被追求健康保健的人们每日饮用

3.在中国 绞股蓝 gynostemma 绞股蓝 作为一种“神奇草药”为人所知.通常情况下,人们称它为 “神奇仙草” (这俩句一个意思啊)

4. 作为世界上面积最大的保健草药种植园之一,这所茶场使用5种顶级的草药来提升绞股蓝茶叶的品质.








The sado is take leads a pious life obtains enlightenment drinks the tea art as the objective, contains the betrothal gift, the etiquette, the environment, to lead a pious life four big essential factors. The tea art is the sado foundation, is the sado essential condition, the tea art may the independence exist in the sado. The sado take the tea art as a carrier, depends on each other in the tea art. Tea art key in "skill", in the custom tea art, obtains again enjoys esthetically; The sado key point is saying ", is for the purpose of cultivating the mind through the tea art grows the soul, perceives through meditation the main road. The tea art connotation is smaller than the sado, the sado connotation containing tea art. The tea art extension is bigger than the sado, its extension is situated between the sado and the tea culture.

the sado's connotation is bigger than the tea art, the tea art extension is bigger than the sado. Here said the `skill ', is refers to the system tea, to make tea, to judge tea and so on techniques of the skill tea; Here said `', refers to the spirit which in the skill tea process implements. Is correct but the without standard, that is the empty theory; Has the skill, but is wicked, the skill not fine, does not have the god. Tea art, famous, visible, is the tea culture external manifestation; The sado, is the spirit, the truth, the rule, the source and the essence, it is frequently cannot see, not to feel, but you actually definitely may realize through the mind. The tea art and the sado unify, in the skill is correct, in the road has the skill, is material and the spiritual highly unified result. The tea art, the sado connotation, the extension are not same, should distinguish the two strictly, do not cause it to confuse.

drinks tea, judges tea, the tea art and highest boundary - - sado drinks tea: Tea, when the drink relieves thirst.

judges tea: Pays great attention the tea the color fragrance, is fastidious about the water quality tea set, drinks time can savor carefully.

tea art: Is fastidious about the environment, the atmosphere, music, to swell skillful and the interpersonal relationship and so on.

highest boundary - - sado: Integrates the philosophy, ethics, the morals in the tea matter activity, through drinks tea practices moral culture grows the soul, savors the life, achieves in the spiritual enjoyment.



China is the home of tea, is the birthplace of tea culture. The discovery and utilization of tea in China, has a history of four thousand or five thousand years, and long fill do not decline, spread throughout the world. Tea is one of the world's most popular, the most popular, beneficial to the physical and mental healthy green drinks. Tea into the world in one, advocate" tea, a world".


Tea culture including tea tasting techniques, art appreciation, operation means of tea a better environment for the taste of the tea of my mood. The process of form and spirit of unity, is the process of the formation of the tea culture phenomenon. It originated long ago, has a long history, profound culture, and religious activity. The whole world has more than 100 countries and area residents are fond of tea. Some places tea tea as a kind of enjoyment of the arts to promote. The tea is identical, each has its own merits. The Chinese people have always had a "guest to tea" custom, which fully reflects the Chinese national civilization and politeness.





China is the hometomn of tea and cradle of tea culture.


And help tourists understand the local tea culture.


Tea ceremonies are often held here so as to make tea culture better known among common people.


We will also host occasional tea appreciation with the basic knowledge of tea culture lectures.


With Luwuh in the middle of the eighth century we have our first apostle of tea.


Was the world's first literature on tea culture.


And an overpass and a Service Center will be set up here along the superhighway.


China's Tea Cultural Development and Its Role in Harmonious Society Construction


If you are interested in tea culture you can study it in China.


It is after all home to Chinese tea culture.



嫩度是决定品质的基本因素,所谓“干看外形,湿看叶底”,就是指嫩度。一般嫩度好的茶叶,容易符合该茶类的外形要求(如龙井之“光、扁、平、直”)。此外,还可以从茶叶有无锋苗去鉴别。锋苗好,白毫显露,表示嫩度好,做工也好。如果原料嫩度差,做工再好,茶条也无锋苗和白毫。但是 不能仅从茸毛多少来判别嫩度,因各种茶的具体要求不一样,如极好的狮峰龙井是体表无茸毛的。再者,茸毛容易假冒,人工做上去的很多。芽叶嫩度以多茸毛做判断依据,只适合于毛峰、毛尖、银针等“茸毛类”茶。这里需要提到的是,最嫩的鲜叶,也得一芽一叶初展,片面采摘芽心的做法是不恰当的。因为芽心是生长不完善的部分,内含成份不全面,特别是叶绿素含量很低。所以不应单纯为了追求嫩度而只用芽心制茶。


条索是各类茶具有的一定外形规格,如炒青条形、珠茶圆形、龙井扁形、红碎茶颗粒形等等。一般长条形茶,看松紧、弯直、壮瘦、圆扁、轻重;圆形茶看颗粒的松紧、匀正、轻重、空实;扁形茶看平整光滑程度和是否符合规格。一般来说,条索紧、身骨重、圆(扁形茶除外)而挺直,说明原料嫩,做工好,品质优;如果外形松、扁(扁形茶除外)、碎,并有烟、焦味,说明原料老,做工差,品质劣。 以杭州地区绿茶条索标准为例: 一级 二级 三级 四级 五级 六级 细紧有锋苗 紧细尚有锋苗 尚紧实 尚紧 稍松 粗松 可见,以紧、实、有锋苗为上。



茶叶的色泽还和茶树的产地以及季节有很大关系。如高山绿茶,色泽绿而略带黄,鲜活明亮;低山茶或平地茶色泽深绿有光。制茶过程中,由于技术不当,也往往使色泽劣变。 购茶时,应根据具体购买的茶类来判断。比如龙井,最好的狮峰龙井,其明前茶并非翠绿,而是有天然的糙米色,呈嫩黄。这是狮峰龙井的一大特色,在色泽上明显区别于其它龙井。因狮峰龙井卖价奇高,茶农会制造出这种色泽以冒充狮峰龙井。方法是在炒制茶叶过程中稍稍炒过头而使叶色变黄。真 假之间的区别是,真狮峰匀称光洁、淡黄嫩绿、茶香中带有清香;假狮峰则角松而空,毛糙,偏黄色,茶香带炒黄豆香。不经多次比较,确实不太容易判断出来。但是一经冲泡,区别就非常明显了。炒制过火的假狮峰,完全没有龙井应 有的馥郁鲜嫩的香味。


整碎就是茶叶的外形和断碎程度,以匀整为好,断碎为次。 比较标准的茶叶审评,是将茶叶放在盘中(一般为木质),使茶叶在旋转力的作用下,依形状大小、轻重、粗细、整碎形成有次序的分层。其中粗壮的在最上层,紧细重实的集中于中层,断碎细小的沉积在最下层。各茶类,都以中层茶多为好。上层一般是粗老叶子多,滋味较淡,水色较浅;下层碎茶多,冲泡后往往滋味过浓,汤色较深。






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